Tuesday 7 May 2013

BA6 - cultural context, Fuaran

Fuaran means spring, green spot in Gaelic.  The Fuaran Lands covers the Mid-West of the land, just touching up to the black forest and the Land of the Wolf-Men.  The Fuaran Lands are a rich and lush area, with a mixture of flat lands, woodland areas, swampy areas and snowy areas.  The people of the Fuaran Lands are called Drunes, and high spiritualists are called Druids. Drids have psychic abilities like a fortune teller, and keep the practice of the Druids throughout the land.  They also act as advisers for leaders and their people. They believe in working with the land, praying to elemental Gods of the land, not the actual original Gods. The people are big spiritualists and practice pagen magic.  It is the only area that practices this old magic and all Druids in the land go to Fuaran to train and learn.  Their lifestyle, ideas, believes and practices are different from that of the the rest of the land, and are seen as a dying race/practice.

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