Medal of Honor - it's episodic in series, it is historically accurate, realistic, was written by Stephen Spielberg it's cinematic.
The Portopia Serial Murder Case - has puzzles to solve and clues to find, graphic novel quality, narrative/story
FlOw - abstract art based, no need for narrative
Fatal Frame 2 : Crimson Butterfly - survival horror, quirky narrative, an item used as a focal point in the game
Moshi Monsters - cute/appealing, a mashing of current games such as pokemon, neopets, tamogotchi and pets society.
For this project we are working in groups and i am currently working with Ross, Ty and Kai who i haven't worked with before but i like the change! Over some discussion we decided to roughly explore all the games and see what we game we felt more excited/engaged in doing. We settled on doing The Portopia Serial Murder Case. It was released in 1983, designed by Yuji Harii and published by Enix. It is an investigtion adventure first person perspective/narrative game and was sophisticated for its time. We decided to watch or play the game and make notes on it. I watched the game being played on YouTube by 9esferas1. Here are the notes i made:
- Multiple choice in decision making
- block colours/pixleated quality
- Always the option to close the case even if the case hasnt been fully solved = gives power to the player, makes them decide when its over as opposed to being led in a certain direction
- Forced to search everywhere, can't see all the evidence/clues when playing
- Can go to the Police Station at any time to look at evidence, get new information/clues and to interrogate suspects/get eyewitness accounts
- can arrest people for other felonies, not just the main case
- casual comedy
- there's a massive twist at the end
- defined characteristic of suspects
- decision-ception = have to make a decision within a decision
After some discussion over the notes we made about the game, we decided to do a British cop 80's comedy themed game where you would play as a comic duo, like Starsky and Hutch. We feel that this idea is potentially avlot of fun from both a narrative and artistic point of view. This idea is something different but it wont be totally alone in the market as there are games out there such as Proffesor Layton, LA Noir and Condemed each with their own theme and period setting. There are also plenty of TV shows, books and films out that people are interested in.
We chose the 80's as it was a colourfull time period (in the good and bad way) and that time period has not been seen in current games, it is an area in the market that has yet to be exposed. We chose to make it a comedy as not only in current games but with other groups in the project, people are doing serious games that are hard hitting and have to have some sort of emotional impact on the player. But life is not all doom and gloom! In fact, comedy is a lot harder to achieve than trauma. It also makes our group stand out, shows we are thinking outside the box and show off our creativity. I used to do A Level Drama and for our final piece we had to write our own script and perform it. We thought that doing something serious and hard hitting would show our selfs off the best as it would involve a lot of emotion etc. But our teacher said that that's what everyone does, that's all the examiners see so do something different, do a comedy! And so we did and it was very well received! And we hope that this work will also be well received that we will stand out from everyone elses work!
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