Monday 28 January 2013

BA5 - Shelving units

Here are the shelve units done! i think i may add some details later to each individual unit.
Im still trying t decide on having the rim or not, ill rearrange the non-rimmed side and see which i prefer. But for now i think next i will work on the handles and the bottom of the desk.

Saturday 26 January 2013

BA5 - Still problem solving

So after fixing the model i have now made the UV map and put the texture over it and done some little details.  So far its looking ok! the shelves flow with the rest of the desk visually. I need to add some more details like scratches to the bottom like i have done to the rest of the desk and maybe darken/lighten it in some areas.  Im not sure if i want the shelving units to stick out slightly or not. I dont think they should, they should be inset but having them stick out creates some shadow and dimension to an otherwise flat area. i think i should put them close together though, makes sense really! means you have more room to put what you want in the units!

So here is a possible solution for my problem! i have made a box around the units which can give me the dimension i want. i dont know if it will work or how it will look but we will see!

BA5 - Fixing

Okay, so i have gone onto fixing the shelves of the desk as UV mapping them previously had become a problem.  On the left is the new model, on the right is the old one.  I has made the right model by extruding the face of the object many times to get the desired effect.  On the left i had created the shape using 4 objects, and attached them together.  This project for me is all about trial and error and learning. Its annoying, time consuming and requires a lot of patience but i hope the end result is worth it!

Friday 25 January 2013

BA5 - fine tuning

 I have gone on to adding and changing a few things.  Firstly i have rotated the sides of the desk which i think looks aesthetically better and more correct.  I also added some scratch marks to the bottoms of the sides. But there is this white line on the corner of the desk which i cant seem to mask! im sure ill find it and correct it but for now the desk is coming together ok.

BA5 - Making things darker

 So i decided to make the desk darker and see if that made it look any better. and it did! i first did just around the edges but some spots looked too bright still and it didnt look quite right.

So i went onto darken the while thing, making some lighter patches darker and it looks a lot better, a lot smoother and tidy.

BA5 - Keepin' on going

With the previous trouble with the UV map on one of the objects, i have decided to play around and work on adding some more texture to a different part of the desk. The first image is from before, and the second one is after. I wanted the desk to have a 'fade' effect from the worn out areas to the untouched areas.  I dont want this to look like a nasty old rotten worn out desk, but i dont see why it cant be! I think ill try to darken some areas and see how that looks, it might make it look neater and give more of a contrast to worn and untouched areas.

BA5 - bar and problems.

I have done the top bar and so far everything is starting to come together and going well!

But then ihave a bit of a problem. the box i am trying to UV map isnt working that great. I think it may be because i extruded it a few times. Im not too sure what to do other than create a new box shape. But i want the visible indents into the model so that it looks like real shelves. I don't know what to do but for now i think i will leave it and ask either one my tutors or peers to help me out! I think ill go onto adding more detail to the areas i have already textured like adding scuffs and scratches to the bottom on the desk, stains, scratches and maybe some discoloration to the top of the desk.

BA5 - stress!

I am slowly coming to grips with Maya, very slowly indeed. But my work is paying off! i found a really helpful video on UV mapping here. Working slowly and steadily so far i have created this :

Granted its not great but it is a start! Before i got that done i realized the original shape was wonky ( i really dont know how but it was) and i had to fix that, re do things and start again. I realized this when i was trying to UV map that section, the UV looked a little strange and then i realized that there was some shading onto the sides of the object, which i know is not a good thing. Well, it is fixed now! I havent made much more progress on my chair; im thinking about putting that to one side and concentrating on the desk.  I fear that i could rush things and in the end produce two not very good models.  The chair is a tricky one for me to build   but i am trying! I think concentrating on the desk and creating some awesome textures for it would be an ideal course of action. I would rather make one good thing than two poor things! 

this is the texture i am using:

I wanted an old worn wooden effect for the desk. so i mixed a wood texture and an old dry wall texture together and adjusted the brightness/contrast. Later on, at the top of the desk, i am going to add some more details like a coffee mug stain and maybe some more discoloration.

With the weather lately, it has become increasingly difficult to go out and do anything never mind going to uni. Which has been closed due to the weather of ice and snow.  Its lucky i have everything i need on my laptop to work otherwise i would have some serious trouble!

Saturday 19 January 2013

BA5 - so far on my chair

ignore the floating parts! but here's the chair so far.  still working on it and yet to add details but i got the main shapes and forms down of the chair.  Theres a lot of figuring out that i am doing which is why it is taking me so long to do! i am rather happy with it so far.

Monday 14 January 2013


Here is my work so far on my desk! i have done a 2D mock up in what it will look like and i think i have finished the3D model of it.  All i need to do now is have it fully rendered and textured. I will show my tutors the model first in case there is anything i need to change.  I will now begin to work on the chair!

BA5 Contextual Studies - My Idea

For Contextual studies I am going to look at marketing and advertising in games; how the adverts of games have changed over the past 20 years and why they have changed from the public's view of games and their increase in popularity. When we return from our break, we have to do a 5 minute presentation of our topic and a time line. For submission, we have to produce a 2,000 word essay that can be written as a technical report, a reflective report, an industry report or a journalistic piece.

So far, finding  time line of adverts for the past 20 years is proving a little difficult as i am searching through the internet trying to find these adverts. So far so good, as i have found a few.  Not only will i have to research images of adverts, but i will also have to research into a history of marketing/advertising and possibly psychology.  I need to find out all the possibilities of why adverts look they way they do from their time period, technology, the public's view on games and their popularity. I fear finding research for this will be much more tricky!

Here is my 20 years of adverts. From 1992 to 2012.

1992 Spellbound Adapter

1993 Lets Rumble

1994 Rage

1995 Wrestle Mania

1996 Back Dawn

1997 Resident Evil Director's Cut 

1998 CarnEvil

1999 Gauntlet Dark Legacy

2000 Alien Resurrection

2001 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

2002 WWE: Raw is War

2003 The King Of Fighters 2003

2004 Blood Rayne 2

2005 Extreme Hunting

2006 Elder Scrolls IV:  Oblivion

2007 Wii Advert

2008 Star Wars the Clone Wars

2009 Scrabble 2009 Edition

2010 Luchalibre Heroes Del Ring

2011 Skyrim

2012 Assassin's Creed 3


When researching...
When researching for these adverts, i surprisingly found a good amount to start off with at 1992.  But moving forward down the timeline, getting closer to the present date i found it extremely hard to find any adverts.  I believe that this is down to technology which i will go on to explain. It can also explain how the composition of the adverts.  The technology is not only about the technological advance of consoles and the games themselves, but the technology used in which adverts and information is distributed.  It's increase in popularity and acceptance into popular culture and modern society also explains these points.


90's adverts visuals
Visually the 90's adverts would tend to feature real people or characters.  The adverts are mainly for arcade games and would physically show the machine as part of the advertising.  They would also follow an arcade "theme"/"style" aesthetically. Resident Evil and Black Dawn are the only adverts to give an almost cinematic feel.  Screen shots of in game play are featured in most of them. 

00's adverts visuals
The early 00's and late 00's feature visually different adverts showing the evolution of and sophistication of games. In the early 00's, they still feature screen shots of the games. Arcade games are now not as prominent in this era. There are no real people or characters in the adverts apart from Tony Hawk. Alien shows a cinematic look to their advert.  The late 00's feature a more futuristic, clean, modern look to their adverts and are also more cinematic compared to the previous adverts. In game screen shots are less likely in the adverts.

10's adverts
Much more cinematic look and feel to the adverts.  They are now looking more like film adverts than game adverts. Game screen shots are much less likely to appear in the adverts.

technology & cultural popularity

Arcade games were prominent with the feature of home consoles moving forward.
Some popularity, seen as a childish thing.

Arcade games losing their popularity as home consoles take over.  Handheld portable consoles debut and gain popularity in the early 00's. Next gen consoles feature as the xbox (2001) and ps2 (2000) take over home consoles. The Wii features in late 00's and gains mass popularity with its new technology. Xbox 360 debuted in 2005 and the PS3 debuted in 2006, the next gen consoles.
From 2000 to 2009 the increase in game popularity has been great. Games were seen as childish but have been pushed forward into pop culture mixing with other sub cutures such as cinema, art, comics and music.  Games were finding their place among the art world.

With the WiiU out and the Xbox 720 and PS4 coming out, there will be much more technical advances.
Games are very popular and are a definite part of pop culture, with games work being accredited by award ceremonies such as the BAFTAs.

the effects unto advertising and marketing

The images above show mainly advert pages from magazines. in the 90's it was the best way to advertise games as many children read comics and magazines, but was not widely accepted among society and pop culture enough to get wide spread advertising. Although, some games did have adverts on the tv.
It was in 1995 that the Internet was commercialized which then brought a new wave of potential advertising. Not only could adverts be posted on the internet for people to see, but they would be discussed on blogs etc increasing the name and discussion of games and companies.
Moving into the 00's, games are now widely advertised on the tv and on the internet as videos. The internet also allows you to now go to the games website and get information on a game, get downloadable content an buy games online. Games are now being openly advertised on the streets at bus stops, on the sides of buses  on billboards etc.  with the development of smart phones and portable devices such as the ipad, accessing the audience and accessing games has never been easier.
Going on into the 10's, with technology constantly moving forward there will be more and new ways to advertise games and to reach larger audiences.

Wednesday 9 January 2013