Saturday 26 January 2013

BA5 - Still problem solving

So after fixing the model i have now made the UV map and put the texture over it and done some little details.  So far its looking ok! the shelves flow with the rest of the desk visually. I need to add some more details like scratches to the bottom like i have done to the rest of the desk and maybe darken/lighten it in some areas.  Im not sure if i want the shelving units to stick out slightly or not. I dont think they should, they should be inset but having them stick out creates some shadow and dimension to an otherwise flat area. i think i should put them close together though, makes sense really! means you have more room to put what you want in the units!

So here is a possible solution for my problem! i have made a box around the units which can give me the dimension i want. i dont know if it will work or how it will look but we will see!

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