Wednesday 9 January 2013


I had a discussion with my tutors as to what i will do for this project.  It has been agreed that i will create 3D assess following the theme of last terms project.  I plan on creating a desk, rug, chair etc that will be fully textured and rendered and be fully function able in a game engine.  I plan on doing this step by step in creating the assets.  So i will create the table. Then once that's complaining i will create the rug. Then when that's done i will create the chair etc etc. I am not good at using Maya at all and this will be quite a challenge for me.  But texturing should be very much up my street as it is all about 2D. I really want to create something that looks professional and appealing to look at and most of that comes down to the texturing, which i do worry about! I plan on getting the model of the table and rug done for next week and possibly work on some texturing for either one or both of the models. This is so i can show my tutors and get feed back and advice on how to improve and if what i am doing is working.  I will have to do research into office ware and furniture in 1983.  Then i will go on to do some concept work on the furniture i will create and go on to model it in Maya, before texturing and rendering.

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