Thursday 17 October 2013

BA7 - Dodger

"It is a ghost story/adventure game. You play as a young girl, trapped in a dream like world. You discover, along with your best friend a toy rabbit, who you were and what happened to you in order to escape.  The story is abstract and is episodic; each chapter of her life being a story book. At the end, you are confronted by the 'Judge' and discover the meaning of this 'dream world'."

Dodger is a toy rabbit, Rose's best friend.  In the Dream World, Dodger is made real by the Judge as part of Rose's trial.  He acts as a guide, companion and overseer; to see if Rose completes each stage of her trial.  He becomes everything Rose believed him to be - her confidence, someone she confineds in, her hero, company, her best friend.

When the player sees Dodger i want them to see an almost real rabbit; he will have elements of him that are toy like.  Dodger poses no threat at all to Rose; he is her friend and should look warm and friendly - standing out from the locations of the game which is darker looking.  He would be a contrasting white - a beacon of hope, guidance, wisdom, protection and comfort = everything Rose saw in him in the real world.  Even though he was created by the Judge for Rose's trial, Dodger should still behave and be on Rose's side; be her comfort, protection and courage in time of need.  I want the player to feel like they are genially friends with Dodger and feel much more comfortable with him around.  I want to try and reminisce on childhood dependence on toys/blankets/imaginary friends we had when we were children, and bring forward that childish vulnerability.

Again, i haven't got any concept work of Dodger, so here are some inspirational images!

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