Tuesday 15 October 2013

BA7 - Judgement

"It is a ghost story/adventure game. You play as a young girl, trapped in a dream like world. You discover, along with your best friend a toy rabbit, who you were and what happened to you in order to escape.  The story is abstract and is episodic; each chapter of her life being a story book."

Time to get adding! In this post, i will be discussing the set up of the "dream like world" the game is based in.  As i previously mentioned in my last post, unknown to the girl or player she is in fact dead and has to discover who she is/was, what happened to her and come to terms with her death.  I am basing this structure on Egyptian mythology and their views on the afterlife. I will briefly talk about their ideas on the afterlife and go on to explain the influence it has on my idea.  More information found here and here.

Egyptian Afterlife

The Underworld
'Field of Offerings' / 'the Two Fields'.  Had tests and trials set for everyone to pass, each different for the individual.

The Soul
The Egyptians believed the soul was always at risk.  The burial process were done to protect parts of the soul.  The soul had 3 parts= Ka, Ba and Ahk.  You need all 3 to live in the afterlife.

Hall of Two Truths / Hall of Ma'at
After passing the tests, the soul would enter the hall and reach judgement day.  There were 43 judges to judge the soul with the good and bad deeds they have done in their life.

Scales of Judgement
The worth of a soul would be valued with scales on the persons heart.  The good and bad deeds would be placed on either side of the scale, each deed being judged.  Depending on which side weighed heaviest determined the souls fate.

Ra's Boat / Devourer of the Dead
If you had more good deeds, you would board Ra's boat and travel to the 'Two Fields' - their version of heaven.  If you had more bad deeds, you would be given to the Devourer of the Dead - their version of hell.

Now, for my idea, the young girl was murdered (explanation in next post) and her task/trial to pass in order to move on is to come to terms with her own death.  This will be set up as chapters that i mentioned in the previous post.  Progressing through the chapters, at the end she will arrive at the "Hall of truth" where she will met the "Judge" - a single entity that creates the trials for souls to pass and then goes on to judge them to decide their fate.  The "Judge" then goes onto decide the young girls fate.  Time to add and summarize:

"It is a ghost story/adventure game. You play as a young girl, trapped in a dream like world. You discover, along with your best friend a toy rabbit, who you were and what happened to you in order to escape.  The story is abstract and is episodic; each chapter of her life being a story book. At the end, you are confronted by the 'Judge' and discover the meaning of this 'dream world'."

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