Monday 25 November 2013

BA7 - Visual Experimentation Development

Although i haven't been able to do as much as id like to with concept work, i have done some bits here and there with some experimentation!  Look at my previous posts on the world and characters for more information.

I started experimenting with some more graphic style drawings, inspired by the 'Backwater Gospel' animation.  In the end, I thought it was too dark for the theme that i wanted.

This graphic style then lead to the first design of the Judge.

I then came up with this style, being inspired by some art by ____
I could still incorporate this style to the final concept work.

Here, i experimented with some different styles for locations, first location concepts done, inspired by this image:

I then lead the concept style to be more colourful and artistic by using water colour to create blended effects.  They still have some graphic aspects to it with the use of dark blocked colours, but its more soft and colourful in places:

But when designing Rose, I much preferred this style which was inspired by the Winnie the Pooh illustrations,

But then having the two different styles put together creates an interesting visual contrast to the two different beings.

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