Thursday 15 May 2014

BA8 - Environment development

Here are some environment concepts for my game idea 'My Tale: Rose'.  I am not much of a concept artist, and environments are definitely not my strong point.  None of these are fully complete and each differ from how developed they are.  Information about the areas have not changed since BA7, just their visual development and style. I have also completed some maps, so you have a better idea of how the environments look.

The school

This is probably the most unfinished one in the group.  The time of day is sunrise here, and where you start your journey. 

The Park

The park is the second place you visit, the time of day being around midday.

The Town

The Town is the third place you visit and the time of day is sunset.

The House

The house is the fourth place you visit and is the home that Rose used to live in.

The Woods

The woods is the final intractable location that you can visit. The time of day here is twilight.

Hall of Judgement

 This is where you go to meet the Judge after exploring the locations in the Dream World.

Sea of Stars

 This is where Rose takes a boat to finish her journey on going onto the afterlife.

Here is a full map of all the areas together. You collect map pieces through out the game and here they are!

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