Thursday 22 November 2012


Less than a week before hand-in, we went to a drop in session with Matt to get feed back on our work so far.  He gave us points to improve on and tidy up for the GDD which was very helpful!

These are the exact points that he mentioned:

  • page 3 - rearrange and possibly make into two separate pages
  • flow characters at beginning and split into red and blue lines
  • mission flow and game flow on separate pages
  • use same sized text features of sticky notes
  • flow aesthetics- use sticky notes and use string to follow the design document
  • put title on both pillar pages
  • keep 3 fonts in the document
  • change the title "story" to "story over view"
  • concepts- use passport photo/landscape for background
  • current full body concepts should go with car concept
  • mug shots of characters for the character strengths table on page 3

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