Sunday 3 February 2013

BA5 - Shiny surfaces and cool lighting.

I found that even though the rendering was looking good, i wanted the handles to e nice and reflective. So, i decided to find an online tutorial on how to create shiny things.  I went ahead and used this video here ( second part here). Even though it is for a ball, i thought i could try to adapt it to my rectangular handles. And it has indeed elevated my work and made it more reflective; the desk its self looks varnished and the handles look reflective (well the one does as i decided to just test it out on the singular one, i will duplicate to match). I am thinking about doing the same to the bottom parts to make the desk look cohesive  I will also add a base that will either be a rug or carpet to contrast against the wooden desk.  For the indirect lighting i followed onto the website provided here and played about with both the Kitchen and Grace Cathedral, San Francisco images.  The Kitchen one created more of a white light look but warped at the sides, giving a back to the future look, which isnt really realistic or what im after.  The San Francisco one gave a reddish lighting look with multiple light points creating almost a speckled disco effect. Which is not what i want as this is meant to be an office desk, in an office!


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