Sunday 21 April 2013

BA6 - Adding to the context, Land of the Wolf-Men

Currently i am in the midst of doing a basic map of the land, but for now i have decided to talk about in detail  one of the important cultural areas that the main characters follow in this world.  Some points here (like the Black Forest and Drunes) are not explained here but will be in another post.

Land of the Wolf-Men is a large area that covers the north-east side of the land and is one of the last areas of land that touches the Black Forest (the large forest the Gods hide in).  The main town/city in this land is called Lleuadau Udo (Howling Moons).  There are a couple other large towns and a number of villages and other settlements in the area. There is a long line spawning the breadth of the land of watch towers, manned 24/7 to watch for hostile creatures and any activity in the Black Forest.

In the Land of the Wolf-Men, the people living there are known as Wolfmen [Wolf-mun] and have their own set of rituals, tradition, ideals and belief that's separate from the rest of the world.

Thousands of years ago, when man had started to form, a man was out hunting when he was attacked by a Thunderbird.  With only a spear in hand he could not be victorious in battle.  He was flung against the rock side by a flap of the Thunderbirds wings.  He was sure he would soon be taken away by this giant creature within its claws. But then, as swift as its howl was, a wolf leaped down from the rock side and proceeded to speak to the huntsman.  The wolf said that there, beside the huntsman was a large and long piece of the rock face.  He should quickly pick it up and wrap the bottom in cloth for him to hold.  The huntsman did this with haste; he had now created the first sword in existence.  The wolf spoke again, saying that he would fight by the huntsman's side and together they could survive this.  The Thunderbird moved in with his giant beak for the wolf, the huntsman leaped forward .  The wolf too jumped up to push the huntsman upward and with one giant and powerful blow, stabbed the Thunderbird in eye.  The Thunderbird shrieked out in pain, staggering backward moving away from the huntsman and the wolf.  With one last cry of pain, it flew away defeated.  The huntsman thanked the wolf and was astonished it could talk.  The huntsman asked the name of the wolf who said it had none.  The Huntsman proceeded to call him Cadmon meaning Wise Warrior.  The huntsman asked the wolf to give him a name.  The newly names Cadmon called the huntsman Anmire meaning Great Lord. Together they formed a bond of friendship and of warrior blood.  They started the current culture and tradition followed in the Land of the Wolf-Men.

Wolfmen warriors or hunters have their partner wolf that is given to them at the age of 13, the age a child hits puberty.  The wolf is a pup and the child must care for this wolf by themselves.  The pup is chosen for the child by the local Druids, a spiritualist.  They look into when the pup and child were born, their signs, their psychic lines and a prediction made about the child and pups future.  This is then followed by a blood ritual.  It is crucial that they spend countless hours training together to build the close bond.  If there is any sign of neglect towards the wolf, then the wolf is taken away from its human partner which brings shame to that persons family.  They spend every waking moment together; a wolf and wolfmens bond is unbreakable.

A Wolfmens choice of weapon is a sword.  There are archers, but they always have a sword on hand.  Some hunters have even been known to dual-wield swords, but these are slightly smaller and lighter than a regular sword used.  Even those who are not trained warriors (farmers, teachers, druids) are taught how to fight and always carry a dagger on hand so that they are able to protect themselves.  Only warriors and hunters have a wolf partner.

Wolfmen are not only warriors and fighters, but also artists.  To further unify the personal bond between human and wolf, they each wear at all times, a wooden emblem   It is normally worn as a necklace/collar but can be attached to clothing.  On the wooden emblem, there are symbols carved by hand by the human that relate to the individual wolf and human and their bond.  Symbols found are their star signs, the month they were joined, their type of personality, the house they belong to etc.  This is carved out when the two are officially warriors of the Wolfmen.  This is granted when the two survive from a dangerous encounter, a victorious attack from a creature or human or from a giant act of bravery. E.g. if a a young pair are out scouting in a wood and are met by a bear that attacks.  The Drune and Lord of the Land makes the decision to grant the title.

Both Amelia and Caleb are Wolfmen.  Caleb lives in Lleuadau Udo and has done all his life.  In comparison to Amelia, he sticks very close to tradition.  Amelia lived south of the Land of the Wolf-Men.  Her father was a Wolfmen and her mother was a Drune (explination in another post).  This explains why she has a wolf partner and why she duel weilds axes, not swords.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

BA6 - Imagery

Here are a collection of images to illustrate my ideas, to show what i am trying to achieve visually.


Young adult, blond hair, natural/un-kept looking, European looking, rounded face, small nose, angular aspects to her face.


Young adult, dark long hair, dark beard, big eyes, European looking, structured/angular face


I looked at North America for inspiration for the setting of the main landscape.  Plenty of forestation, has areas of high ground, has areas of water i.e. lakes, can be rather wet but have hot dry summers.


The North of the world is always winter and cold.  The further up North you go, the colder it gets.  And at the very peak of the North is the Giant Forest where the Gods hide.  The Gods made it this way so that it would deter living creatures from venturing into the forest and finding them.  Dense forests can be found, a lot of flat areas but have high areas too.  Looking at Eskimo clothing for inspiration for inhabitence in this area


These are the wolves that Amelia and Caleb ride.  They are giant wolves, big enough to ride on.  I want these wolves to resemble normal wolves but to be larger, hairier, have less markings of that of a normal wolf and to be more bulky and less lean.

Sunday 14 April 2013

BA6 - Old Gods Names and their champions


Suparna, Avisa, Bakur, Ira, Chandra, Hima, Anala, Jagati, Amara

  Suparna is a unisex name, meaning beautiful wings; beautiful leaves in both Sanskrit and Indian.

 Anala is a unisex name, meaning fire; wind; 3 in Sanskrit.

 Avisa is a male name, meaning sky; ocean; king; life giving in Sanskrit.

 Bakur is a male name, meaning Thunderbolt; horn; glorifies in Sanskrit.

 Amara is a unisex name, meaning unfading; eternal in greek, bitter;sour in latin, paradise in african and immortal; 33; a tree in sanskrit.

 Ira is a unisex name, meaning watchfull in hebrew, warrior; period of time; chosen one in greek, life principle; gene in maori and the wind-god; the earth in sanskrit.

 Hima is a unisex name, meaning snow; winter in sanskrit.

 Jagati is a unisex name, meaning of the uiverse; gifted with speed in sanskrit.

 Chandra is a unisex name, meaning the moon;shining in sanskrit.


Wolf -> death and rebirth, instinct, intelligence, family values, ritual, loyalty, teaching, spiritual, guidence

Whale -> record keeper for all eternity, knowledge associated with voice, psychic & telepathic abiities, sea, beauty of movement, creating power of song

Phoenix -> overcoming impossible odds, reincarnation, cleansing energy of fire, strength, energy

Cobra -> soul guide, soul world, past life memories, wisdom, goddess, freedom of religious persecution

Dragon -> Ancient powers, intelligence, ferocity, elemental magic, power, protection, spiritual

Spider -> mystic, power, construction of life

Lotus -> birth & fertility, enlightenment, recantation, eloquence

Human -> meaning/attaching meanings, morality

Hydra -> challenges/obsticals

Suparna, Lotus, power to photosynthesize health. 

 Avisa, Hydra, power to change physical form

Bakur, Dragon, power to concentrate the elements for power use

Ira, Whale, power to swim underwater and have psychic abilities

Chandra, Spider, power to cast balls of light and to melt into shadows

Hima, Wolf, power to look into the past/future 

Anala, Phoenix, power to resist elemental damage/change and able to reduce the body into ashes and reform in seconds.

Jagati, Cobra, power gained of a second vision - can see heat, sense vibrations and ultra sound waves

Amara, Human, power to alter time to 'teleport' and slow down time

BA6 - language and cultural context

To make my story more believable and to give it some cultural context i have been looking at different cultures and languages between the Old World and the New World.  I was thinking that maybe i could try to construct my own set language for the old world ..... not going to happen! I looked at how J.R.Tolkien constructed his many languages for Middle Earth and, i have to say, he is a very interesting man! From looking at how he structured his language i decided to look at languages myself. I want different cultures and languages for the Old world and the New world (when i can figure out the languages i can decide on names!).  The Old World has thrived for longer and is more advanced than the New World before it was destroyed.  I want the Old World to have an Indian Persian setting to it and have a Persian/Sanskrit language. For the New world i want to have a middle ages/Celtic setting with a Gaelic/ possible European language, perhaps with aspects of the Old World creeping through?

There should be a nice difference to the two worlds; the old world being more rich in culture, creatures, environment and way of life as the Gods were looking after the inhabitants and is more sophisticated in culture, language and technology in comparison to the New World.  The New World is still growing and is not as advanced as the Old World.  The Gods are not closely working with the worlds inhabitants and the world is not as rich or exotic.

I can now give names to the Gods which will have individual information regarding the gods purpose and powers.

for now, here is some meanings behind the main characters names.

Amelia is originally a German name for strain, effort and work. It is also Hebrew for work of the lord, so i think its a fitting name for her in the story and personality. The Wolfs name is Orin which is Gaelic, meaning little green one and can be/is a variant of the Hebrew name Oren meaning Pine tree. I also liked the sounding of the name as it sounds like 'origin'/'origins' or 'original' which is fitting for his character and the whole plot of the story and the stories universe. The male allies name is Caleb, Hebrew for dog;heart, again fitting with the story and his character. His wolf is called Enda, Gaelic for bird-like which is fitting for its personality and attributes.

BA6 - ok so, how did i begin this idea?

I came up with this idea about a year ago.  I am contently thinking up ideas being influenced by music, art, films and tv shows. It is rare for me to stick to an idea and to develop it in my mind for as long as i have done.  In general, i have a love for how things work, why they work and how external/internal factors can affect things working, leading to my interest in biology and psychology.  Following psychology, i find it so interesting to see peoples different views on multiple topics (evident in my essay work) and why they think the way they do.  I am a spiritual person and a vegetarian and following this, i like to think about the world and why people think about certain things the way they do concerning the world. This is what i platform my stories off of - moral ideas, decision making, questioning the world around them and how the individual lives, acts and reacts.
For this story idea, i deal with the theme of sacrifice, the idea of the greater good, being in suffering and watching someone else suffer.  All points i think many people can relate to and to make people think about the world they live in.

Over time of thinking and developing my idea, it has changed quite a bit.  I wondered how myths, legends and folk stories began.  I went and looked into fantasy creatures, looking into ware wolfs  how did this creature start out and then go on to develop into the creature we now know today?
Werewolf started out as stories from all over the world.  In Europe  men were blessed by gods to be able to transform into a wolf to give them agility and strength to either get revenge or protect.  In native america and Africa  witches were able to transform into any creatures, including wolves at will.  There were also pieces of clothing, often belts made from a wolf that would transform the wearer into a wolf.

Originally my story was going to be about the origins of werewolf  but instead turned into the creation of Gods and Demi Gods.

I maybe sounding totally artsy fartsy with my ideas but this honestly how i think and develop ideas.  I figured it would be good to show and express what interest me and triggers my ideas, including how this idea came about. I keep referring the story as "my idea" because i haven't thought of a title for it yet! Names are not my strong suit but i think they need a lot of care in choosing.

BA6 - some character info

Here is some rough & basic info on 4 characters in the story.  It will change/be added to over time with the addition of other characters and i intend to do some bio work on the main characters when i have finalized some concepts.


Evil Force Attacking the world → been given strange new powers and have to use them to defeat the evil → Amelia ( Hebrew for work of the lord)

The haunting

Her family is dead. She is granted powers but doesn't know how she got them or how/why her family died.

Internal Flaw

emotionally unstable
feels 'in-the-dark' about what is happening around her and to her

External Flaw

being attacked by the ancient evil force


To find out how she got her powers and what happened to her family
to be with Caleb


to stop the evil force

Self Revelation

To become a stronger individual whilst undergoing physical and psychological change and to become a God.

  • Amelia, female
  • 19 (human years)
  • a trained hunter/tracker/ranger
  • lean and muscley, but broader on top.
  • Likes to dual wield axes
  • likes raw, organic foods
  • understanding, realistic, dependant on others for support
  • afraid of being alone and the dark
  • emotional
  • doesn't need a lot of sleep
  • has panic attacks when on her own, afraid
  • human

Main Ally

Evil Force Attacking the world → been given strange new powers and have to use them to defeat the evil→ Orin (sounds like Origin/Original, Gaelic, meaning little green one and can be/is a variant of the Hebrew name Oren meaning Pine tree.)

The Haunting

An ancient evil is coming to destroy the world and the family he was with has died. He has received powers but doesn't know how he got them.

Internal flaw

feels 'in-the-dark' about everything around him and with what is happening to him

External Flaw

Being attacked the ancient evil


to find out how he got his powers and why


to stop the evil force

Self revelation

To become a stronger individual whilst undergoing physical and psychological change and to become a God.

  • Orin, male
  • 26 (human years)
  • big, muscley, lean legs
  • acts as a rock for Amelia, realistic, more insensitive than the others
  • a trained hunter/tracker with a tamer wild instinct
  • likes raw meat
  • no nonsense and straight forward/non-subtle approach
  • likes peace and quiet
  • doesnt need a lot of sleep
  • fear of being alone and the dark
  • has panic attacks when alone
  • Giant Wolf

Main Ally

Evil Force Attacking the world → allies with Amelia and Orin to help them on defeating the evil→ (Caleb, Hebrew for dog;heart)

The Haunting

When his town was attacked, being a young warrior he felt that he didnt do enough to help, felt like he disappointed his family.

Internal flaw

feels 'in-the-dark' about everything around him

External Flaw

Being attacked the ancient evil


to find out how he got his powers and why
To be with Amelia


to stop the evil force

Self revelation

To become a stronger individual whilst undergoing physical and psychological change and to become a God.

  • Caleb, male
  • 25 (human years)
  • muscley body, tall, broad
  • acts as a rock for Amelia, compassionate, sensitive to others needs
  • a trained hunter/tracker/warrior
  • likes whole and hearty foods 9meat, root veg)
  • weigh ups all pros and cons before making decisions
  • likes wide open areas and exploring
  • doesnt need a lot of sleep
  • fear of never having a family/never being loved by another, fear of not doing his duty properly and disappointing his family
  • becomes depressed and self destructive when he fails
  • Human


Old ancient God wanting revenge → invades the New World killing all its inhabitance → …...

The haunting

Un-naturally created by the Old Gods and wants revenge from all the pain caused

Internal flaw

distrust in others
in huge amounts of pain, suffering

External flaw

Demi gods are trying to stop and kill it


to get revenge


to feel redemption and peace
to end the suffering

Self revelation

learns that Demi gods are not far different from

  • , genderless (a monster)
  • 675 (human years)
  • giant, made up of several different creatures
  • a natural leader, clever, methodical, straight forward, focused, determined
  • is a God
  • doesn't eat
  • impatient, short temper, violent, destructive
  • hates things not going to plan, liars, distrust
  • doesn't sleep
  • if left with no options they lash out violently
  • completely fearless


how far will you go?

  1. I wont do anything, I wont try hard for what I want – given up
  2. .
  3. .
  4. I weigh up every option but less likely to do it
  5. I have to weigh up everything before I do something to get what I want
  6. I weigh up every option but more likely to do it
  7. .
  8. I will do anything apart from things that feel very wrong i.e. killing innocent people
  9. I will do almost anything even if it feels wrong
  10. I will do anything no matter what it takes

Amelia starts off as a 6, but moves towards 10 as the story progresses
Orin starts off as a 7/8 but moves towards 10 as the story progresses
Caleb starts off as a 5 and stays like that the majority of the story
The New God is a 10 throughout.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

BA6 - being a story artist, my idea.

Recently i have had a change of career path.  I now want to become a story artist; i want to create and develop stories and ideas whilst producing concept work to illustrate my ideas.  For BA6, that's what i'm going to do!  Below is the idea of my story along with some pretext and some history/knowledge of the set world. 

I have a deep interest in morals, the difference in right and wrong and why things are they way they are and how they started out.  When coming up with this idea, i was researching into the origins of werewolfs - how the folk stories started to end up with the modern idea of what a werewolf is.  

I will go onto post more information about my idea and the research done for it.  But for now here is the rather in-depth idea for my story:


Intro/pretext and main story plot

In the Old world there were 9 Gods known as the Old Gods, each individual with powers and purpose. They created the world, land and sea and kept the balance of life and death and cared for their creatures. They were close to the creatures that inhabited the land and sea and they were indeed grateful for all the Old Gods did for them. Humans, animals, insects and plants kept thriving and growing, so much so that it was becoming beyond the Old Gods control. Unwilling to kill their creations they decided to create a new God, like them in every way to help care for the world and its creatures. It was a task beyond their power and capabilities; even Gods have their limitations and taboo's, and this was very dangerous. The Gods chose for each of them a champion of a species to become part of the making of the New God. A Man, whale, dragon, hydra, spider, lotus, phoenix, cobra and a wolf were chosen. Their souls were combined along with a segment of each of the gods powers. But it backfired. A God was indeed created but from the pain and agony of the creatures souls being split, re attached, combined and with their physical bodies going on to being destroyed the New God was uncontrollable. From its immediate birth it went on a rampage and in the end went on to kill 6 of the Old Gods, claiming their power. The New God went on to destroy the land and all its creatures, burning and crushing all in its way. The remaining 3 Gods managed to seal the New God away within a strong barrier, but it was too late. Everything was destroyed and all their creations they swore to protect were now all dead. 2 of the 3 remaining Gods were injured and were starting to slowly die. Realizing that the barrier for the New God wouldn't always last, they left the Old world. They formed a long and treacherous path of sea, ice and lava to slow down the New God if it were to break free and give chase. They then created a giant forest, a place for them to hide in and to start to build the New World.

The land they built was smaller and with less creatures and this time, the Old Gods did not interfere with the creatures affairs. Over time, the 2 injured Gods died, their power going to the last remaining Old God. The barrier sealing away the new God was also broken, freeing it unto the world and it was going to seek its revenge on the last God. The last remaining God knew that it couldn't stop the New God on its own. So, it decided to make demi Gods to help fight against this threat. Learning from the previous mistakes, it decided to create the new demi Gods differently; but this was still a taboo and wrong act. The God looked over all of its new creations to find suitable champions.  Not only to defeat the New God, but also to be the most capable of taking on God-like abilities. The God settled on a Woman (Amelia) and a male Wolf (Orin) - both with a close bond, trained fighters and hunters. The God lured them into the giant forest, performing a ritual splitting their souls and reforming them by combining them with that of another living soul and the powers of a God. The woman was fused with the life of a Wolf (Her fathers wolf) and …... The wolf was fused with the life of a human (Amelia's father) and ….... The two new Demi Gods gained new powers, strength, heightened senses and a higher sense of being. They are able to communicate with each other and with some other living creatures. They also gained the individual powers and attributions of the Gods power that they were fused with.  They still physically look the same, but over time with the more power they gain they physically change drastically.

The New God arrived at the New world and brought along with it an army; it resurrected the creatures that once inhabited the Old world to fight for it. Unaware of what the Old God had planned it decided to stay hidden in the Giant forest and split its soul into 6. They physically embodied 6 of the original creatures that it was made from which then became the leaders for the army. The 6 army factions then went to different parts of the New World destroying all in its path and for any signs of the Old Gods resistance and reminisce. The Demi Gods have to go and defeat the armies and their leaders, taking their power and then going onto defeat the New God and save the New world.

Continuation of plot and the stories universe

After the ritual and transformation in the giant forest, the two travel to the main north town …... and meet Caleb and his wolf female Enda. They travel together defeating the invasion of the New God and its army. Each defeat they gain powers. Through out their journey Amelia and Caleb develop a romantic relationship and fall in love.

Amelia and Orin undergo many changes – physically, mentally and spiritually as when they obtain new powers they begin to turn more God-like. They are given a higher sense of consciousness about the world and think and act more like a God and not a human/wolf. Their physical bodies start to be torn away as they are becoming immortal spiritual God beings and the powers they gain change them physically to look more like the Old Gods. Throughout the journey they are battling with the emotional and physical pain of the changes and the affect it has on their actions and the people around them. Amelia and Orin do not know the origin of their powers until the very end. It is suspected that it was the New Gods doing to turn them into monsters and help destroy the world. They also know very little about the pretext to their story which they discover on their journey.

The Old God does not interfere too much in their journey and if it does, it never interacts openly to reveal itself. When The New God is defeated, the Old God plans to kill Amelia and Orin in order to claim back all the Old Gods Power and to restore balance to the world, making sure no foolish mistakes will be made again. When all the armies and leaders are defeated, The New God makes a final assault with one giant army. Leaving Caleb and Enda to fight, Amelia and Orin travel to the giant woods to fight the New God. When Amelia and Orin finally confront the New God, who reveals the true origin of their powers and the pretext to the story and the Old Gods plan to kill them both after the battle. The New God gives them a choice to either live and seek revenge on the Old God or to potentially die battling with it. Amelia and Orin refuse the New Gods offer and battle it. They are victorious and as Orin gives the final hit, Orin claims the remaining power of the New God and gets knocked out. Soon after, the Old God appears coming to kill Amelia and Orin. Amelia exhausted from the previous battle has to now battle the Old God to survive. She is victorious and claims the Old Gods power and is also knocked out.

After some time the two wake up, fully changed and transformed into almost fully fledged Gods, almost unrecognisable physically. They have all the memories and knowledge of all the Old Gods and realize they should go back to the Old World and try to rebuild what was lost, leaving the New World to grow and survive on its own. They do not say goodbye to Caleb and Enda, who consequently suspect Amelia and Orin are dead. Amelia and Orin start to restore the Old World, working closely with the world and its inhabitance. Caleb and Enda return to their home and live their life out as Heroes and fight in more wars that follow in their life time.

60 years later, Caleb is an old man living alone in a house outside the town. He does not find love again and Enda passed away a few years ago from old age. Amelia appears (in God form) outside his home. The two meet with a very emotional reunion. They talk for a while about the past 60 years and answer questions playing both their minds. Caleb confesses his eternal love for Amelia and says he could not love anyone else. She transforms herself into the human image Caleb last saw her as and presents him an illusion, by looking into a mirror, the two side by side. In the reflection Caleb sees them both as they were 60 years ago with Orin and Enda. Amelia says that's what she always wanted and wished for, even as a God for them to be together. She then reveals her purpose for visiting him now 60 years later. She sensed that that very night he would die of a stroke in his sleep and she had to see him one last time. She explains that even as a God she has such a deep mortal connection with him that if he died she could not live on, like a pair of love birds. She gave him a proposition; instead of dying a painful and terrifying death of stroke, that she would give him a kiss that would send him into a peaceful slumber in which he would die instantly and pain-free. He agrees and they lay on his bed in each others arms. She gives him one sweet passionate kiss as they both shed tears. He quietly falls asleep with a smile on his face. Amelia cries out in pain and bursts into flames. The flames catch on the bed and then onto the whole house which burns to the ground. Everyone suspects that Caleb died in his sleep in a house fire.

Meanwhile, Orin is in the Old world and gains Amelia’s power when she dies. The Old world was just starting out its new life and so goes to sleep so that nature can take its course so that when he wakes, life will just be starting out and he can begin to nurture what has started to take form.

Further contextual information

In this world, all living things have souls. Humans, animals, plants, insects – everything and anything that is alive has a soul. The essence of a soul is comprised of the beings memories, their function/physical state and any emotional/evolutionary attachments which can form and enhance the richness of a soul. It is unknown how souls are formed or how they originated, but Gods are meant to look after those granted with a soul and the world they inhabit. Gods are seen to be 'physical souls'; they are not physical beings but they can interact with the physical world and be seen by living creatures.

Gods are not like other living creatures. They do have conscience minds of their own but think differently and process information differently from other living creatures. They have a higher state of consciousness and can be as ruthless as mother nature as they think for the grater good of the word. Being in amongst the living creatures had made them “soft”, “weaker” and more humane. They have more senses than other creatures and have a wider knowledge and understanding of the world. If a God is to “die” then their power goes to the closest God or Demi God in range. A God can never actually die but instead, their power lives on in another; almost like a rebirth or reincarnation. Their memories, knowledge and power goes on into the next host.

When the Gods were choosing their champion to form the New God, they needed functional creatures that when combined, could produce something close to their own physicality. In order for a physical being to become a non-physical being, they would have to crack its soul and combine it with a God like power and lose its physical sate. For a chance for the new being to survive and have sufficient power to live, the use of multiple beings and souls have to be used; souls can almost be seen as a battery power for life. When the soul is cracked, it must be re-attached to a new soul. With two souls and God-like power, the new being will be conscience with a functional form with the memories and knowledge of the souls that were used to create it. The new being is considered a God and Gods can interact with the physical world and be seen by mortal creatures.

When the New God was created, with the amount of souls and power need to create the giant creature the Gods left it permanently scarred with pain and agony. The procedure is a terrible and painful one for both living being and God. With the amount of souls being combined and conflicting together, the New God was in terrible pain.

When it came for Amelia and Orin to become Demi Gods, the last God chose them as the two would be suffering from the changes but emotionally and mentally would be able to help and support each other better than going at it alone. Being two different species, they had different traits and abilities which would help and compliment each other on their journey together.

Life Drawing and other work

Here are some studies of a cougar that i adapted to be un-cougar like.  the final drawing of it is the digital drawing below.

Final drawing.  I am rather happy with this drawing.  I don't draw animals all that much so this isn't so bad for me!

Here are some character head drawings, from a child to an adult with feline attributes.  This was for a project over the holidays where the main character grows up with a creature and over time the two share a close bond and gain each others physical attributes to show the strength of their bond.   I am quite happy with these drawings.

Here are some life drawing studies of a baby ostrich and a kite i did at the Castle Museum in Norwich.  I prefer the ostrich to the kite.  The kite looks more like a crow, unfortunately.