Sunday 14 April 2013

BA6 - some character info

Here is some rough & basic info on 4 characters in the story.  It will change/be added to over time with the addition of other characters and i intend to do some bio work on the main characters when i have finalized some concepts.


Evil Force Attacking the world → been given strange new powers and have to use them to defeat the evil → Amelia ( Hebrew for work of the lord)

The haunting

Her family is dead. She is granted powers but doesn't know how she got them or how/why her family died.

Internal Flaw

emotionally unstable
feels 'in-the-dark' about what is happening around her and to her

External Flaw

being attacked by the ancient evil force


To find out how she got her powers and what happened to her family
to be with Caleb


to stop the evil force

Self Revelation

To become a stronger individual whilst undergoing physical and psychological change and to become a God.

  • Amelia, female
  • 19 (human years)
  • a trained hunter/tracker/ranger
  • lean and muscley, but broader on top.
  • Likes to dual wield axes
  • likes raw, organic foods
  • understanding, realistic, dependant on others for support
  • afraid of being alone and the dark
  • emotional
  • doesn't need a lot of sleep
  • has panic attacks when on her own, afraid
  • human

Main Ally

Evil Force Attacking the world → been given strange new powers and have to use them to defeat the evil→ Orin (sounds like Origin/Original, Gaelic, meaning little green one and can be/is a variant of the Hebrew name Oren meaning Pine tree.)

The Haunting

An ancient evil is coming to destroy the world and the family he was with has died. He has received powers but doesn't know how he got them.

Internal flaw

feels 'in-the-dark' about everything around him and with what is happening to him

External Flaw

Being attacked the ancient evil


to find out how he got his powers and why


to stop the evil force

Self revelation

To become a stronger individual whilst undergoing physical and psychological change and to become a God.

  • Orin, male
  • 26 (human years)
  • big, muscley, lean legs
  • acts as a rock for Amelia, realistic, more insensitive than the others
  • a trained hunter/tracker with a tamer wild instinct
  • likes raw meat
  • no nonsense and straight forward/non-subtle approach
  • likes peace and quiet
  • doesnt need a lot of sleep
  • fear of being alone and the dark
  • has panic attacks when alone
  • Giant Wolf

Main Ally

Evil Force Attacking the world → allies with Amelia and Orin to help them on defeating the evil→ (Caleb, Hebrew for dog;heart)

The Haunting

When his town was attacked, being a young warrior he felt that he didnt do enough to help, felt like he disappointed his family.

Internal flaw

feels 'in-the-dark' about everything around him

External Flaw

Being attacked the ancient evil


to find out how he got his powers and why
To be with Amelia


to stop the evil force

Self revelation

To become a stronger individual whilst undergoing physical and psychological change and to become a God.

  • Caleb, male
  • 25 (human years)
  • muscley body, tall, broad
  • acts as a rock for Amelia, compassionate, sensitive to others needs
  • a trained hunter/tracker/warrior
  • likes whole and hearty foods 9meat, root veg)
  • weigh ups all pros and cons before making decisions
  • likes wide open areas and exploring
  • doesnt need a lot of sleep
  • fear of never having a family/never being loved by another, fear of not doing his duty properly and disappointing his family
  • becomes depressed and self destructive when he fails
  • Human


Old ancient God wanting revenge → invades the New World killing all its inhabitance → …...

The haunting

Un-naturally created by the Old Gods and wants revenge from all the pain caused

Internal flaw

distrust in others
in huge amounts of pain, suffering

External flaw

Demi gods are trying to stop and kill it


to get revenge


to feel redemption and peace
to end the suffering

Self revelation

learns that Demi gods are not far different from

  • , genderless (a monster)
  • 675 (human years)
  • giant, made up of several different creatures
  • a natural leader, clever, methodical, straight forward, focused, determined
  • is a God
  • doesn't eat
  • impatient, short temper, violent, destructive
  • hates things not going to plan, liars, distrust
  • doesn't sleep
  • if left with no options they lash out violently
  • completely fearless


how far will you go?

  1. I wont do anything, I wont try hard for what I want – given up
  2. .
  3. .
  4. I weigh up every option but less likely to do it
  5. I have to weigh up everything before I do something to get what I want
  6. I weigh up every option but more likely to do it
  7. .
  8. I will do anything apart from things that feel very wrong i.e. killing innocent people
  9. I will do almost anything even if it feels wrong
  10. I will do anything no matter what it takes

Amelia starts off as a 6, but moves towards 10 as the story progresses
Orin starts off as a 7/8 but moves towards 10 as the story progresses
Caleb starts off as a 5 and stays like that the majority of the story
The New God is a 10 throughout.

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