Sunday 14 April 2013

BA6 - language and cultural context

To make my story more believable and to give it some cultural context i have been looking at different cultures and languages between the Old World and the New World.  I was thinking that maybe i could try to construct my own set language for the old world ..... not going to happen! I looked at how J.R.Tolkien constructed his many languages for Middle Earth and, i have to say, he is a very interesting man! From looking at how he structured his language i decided to look at languages myself. I want different cultures and languages for the Old world and the New world (when i can figure out the languages i can decide on names!).  The Old World has thrived for longer and is more advanced than the New World before it was destroyed.  I want the Old World to have an Indian Persian setting to it and have a Persian/Sanskrit language. For the New world i want to have a middle ages/Celtic setting with a Gaelic/ possible European language, perhaps with aspects of the Old World creeping through?

There should be a nice difference to the two worlds; the old world being more rich in culture, creatures, environment and way of life as the Gods were looking after the inhabitants and is more sophisticated in culture, language and technology in comparison to the New World.  The New World is still growing and is not as advanced as the Old World.  The Gods are not closely working with the worlds inhabitants and the world is not as rich or exotic.

I can now give names to the Gods which will have individual information regarding the gods purpose and powers.

for now, here is some meanings behind the main characters names.

Amelia is originally a German name for strain, effort and work. It is also Hebrew for work of the lord, so i think its a fitting name for her in the story and personality. The Wolfs name is Orin which is Gaelic, meaning little green one and can be/is a variant of the Hebrew name Oren meaning Pine tree. I also liked the sounding of the name as it sounds like 'origin'/'origins' or 'original' which is fitting for his character and the whole plot of the story and the stories universe. The male allies name is Caleb, Hebrew for dog;heart, again fitting with the story and his character. His wolf is called Enda, Gaelic for bird-like which is fitting for its personality and attributes.

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