Wednesday 26 October 2011

BA1 - Research

Here I have done some research on the game Monopoly for the project.  This was so we could get ideas from the style of the board, the mechanics and layout to apply and influence our project.

Monopoly was said to be created by Charles Darrow from Germantown, Pennsylvania in 1933 during the great depression.  In 1994, he copy righted his idea and tried to sell it to Parker Brothers but they rejected him as they said it had 52 errors in the game.  Later, he then hand made and sold 5,000 copies of the game to local stores in Philadelphia.  With its huge success, Parker Brothers then bought the game from Darrow and became the best selling game in America in 1935.
          But it has also been said that a woman called Elizabeth Maggie first created the game in 1903 which was called “The Landlords Game”.  The game was designed to teach Henry George’s tax theory and did manage to go into production in 1906 but was not very successful.  Parker Brothers did buy the game for $500, but they hold Charles Darrow to be the true inventor of Monopoly.
          Monopoly was created during the depression and reflects on the current economic situation hoping to make it big, becoming bankrupt and taking risks.  Originally designed for adults because of these themes and strategic thinking, it is now a family game that can be played by children as the real meaning and history behind the theme of the game is not as relevant anymore.

First Monopoly game board.                  

Monopoly board game by Charles Darrow.

Monopoly has gone on to be one of the most successful board games in the world being translated into 37 languages and sold in 103 countries.  It has been spun-off as a game show in 1990, a card game, a dice game, turned into video games, monopoly themed slot machine, monopoly themed pin ball machine and has many editions such as star wars, spider man, Simpsons, army themed, sports themed and many more.

The game can have up to 5 players and a banker who monitors the game and distributes money. They each take it in turn rolling the dice going clockwise around the board starting on the GO section of the board.  The aim of the game is to have the most money and for everyone to be bankrupt.  If you land on a property that is unoccupied you have the option to buy it.  Once bought if another player lands on that property they have to pay the owner a certain amount of Monopoly money.  The properties are put into 5 groups and owning a full group will increase the amount of money people have to pay when they land on that property.  You can upgrade your property by purchasing houses and then a skyscraper which also increases the amount of money you get.  On the board you can also land on Chance which is where you draw a Chance card and you will either get something beneficial for you or something that will hinder you.  You can also land on Go To Jail which sends you to Jail and you cant move for 5 turns.  Unless on your go you roll a double then you can get out or if when you picked up a card that lets you out of Jail when you landed on Chance.  The Free Parking space means that nothing happens to you.  The Rail space takes you to a different part of the board bust costs you Monopoly money.  If you land on the Electric Company, Luxury Tax and the Water Works you have to pay a certain amount of money to the bank.  The Community Chest is like Chance, you draw a card that may benefit or hinder you.  Every time you pass Go you collect Monopoly money.

The game isn't too difficult or too easy to play so adults and children can play together well.  With a mix of skill, luck and chance it's a game that's different to play every time.  Players can adjust the game by negotiating deals whilst playing about buying each others properties and trading etc.  The game is also based in reality and real life situations with negotiating, buying properties, paying tax, going to jail and having dreams to make it big and successful.


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