Tuesday 18 October 2011


On the first day of our project we were sorted into groups and given our briefing.  Our brief is to design and create a board game.  We have to take into consideration the market, the mechanics of the game, our target audience and the overall look and aesthetic of the game.  We will then have to present our work to the class with a final playable board game and PowerPoint presentation.  Our team leader is Katie, Lee is our environmentalist and works on the game mechanics, Will researches into facts and relevant information to put into our game, Pieter creates the instructions manual,  Sam researches other games and other relevant information to help create the board game,  Johnny does concept art for the playing peices, I work on concept art ans Dom works on concept art and the game mechanics.  We got together and started brain storming ideas.  In the end, we settled on doing a game aimed at children about animals and having to collect parts of animals and customise your own creature to a race to the middle.  Before we started doing any proper concept work or game design we went off and did some research.  We all chose a game to study and went off to find out about its history and mechanics and why it's a successful game.  I chose Monopoly, it's one of my favourite games and is one of the most successful games in the world.  Ill include the research in a later blog post.  After the research we got together and continued to work on our original idea and figure out game play.  We went off doing our own work/research, so i went and research different concept styles.  We have chosen to do a cartoon/semi realistic style for the design of the board, cards and characters.  So i researched different and appropriate cartoon styles to see how they were appealing e.g. eye shape, colours, body shape, head shape, size etc.  Dom and I then went and created some rough concept ideas for the animals.  Later  in the week we decided that we would strictly use British wild life animals instead of a mix of animals or jungle animals.  We saw that there were a lot of children's games that used jungle animals and not British wild life, leaving a gap open in the market for something of that type.  We then decided to make it educational by including facts and questions in the game that you have to answer about nature, animals and wildlife.

Below is a page of ideas and some doodles some different styles.  The snake is the big one and is my favourite and is done in my style.  Was experimenting primarily with eyes making them large and cartoony.

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