Sunday 30 October 2011


And its time for a new project!  On Monday we were given the task to come up with a concept for the Apple iphone or ipad.  We can do what ever we want in terms of genre and instantly i had two ideas come into my mind about what i wanted to do.  I have made a final choice in which idea i am going to follow which i will explain to you right now.  I think i have figured out everything but this is all rough and still in progress so if there is anything wrong with it please let me know and i will re think it and come up with something better!  Images will be up next week most probably that i will include in a different blog post.  I have also done research into the iphone and ipad which will also be in another post.  I will put examples of game play and menus etc in another blog post as well.

Working title: Flyer - Sky Edition

For the ipad as its bigger so can have more flexibility in creating a game with detail and play ability.  Its also the newest item to be released by Apple.

In Flyer, you plan an angel travelling the planet collecting life energy to keep the world beautiful and pure. There are many locations to explore, each one being vast and almost endless.  You steer your angel by tilting the ipad in the direction you want to go i.e. up for up, down for down, left for left, right for right.  With the life energy you collect, the accumulate to points (P) and with P you can buy items in the shop menu that lets you fully customize your angel.  Some items even have added effects e.g. speed boost.  There are different levels of life energy which is shown by their colour; the darker they are the higher the level.  The higher the level the more P you'll get.  The higher level life energys are harder to obtain and are hidden in the locations requiring lots of exploration and a keen eye.

Before you go to explore a location you have two game options: Free and Timed.  Free is where you can freely fly about the location collecting life energy allowing you to explore.  Timed is where you have to collect a certain amount of energy in the quickest time possible.  The time and score will be recorded and put onto a leader board.  There will be a stop watch displayed on screen when playing.  You cal also get more P in the Timed option than in the Free option.  For both options you can also choose your speed: slow, medium or fast.

In the locations there will be hidden, hard to reach places where the higher level life energys will be.  This will keep the game more interesting.  You will also be able to view the % of how much of the location you have explored.  The locations are inspired by real and natural environments but will have some added elements to make the game play interesting e.g. high and low levels, caves, ridges etc.  Here are some ideas of the locations:
*Night time sky over cities - below be able to see the lights of the cities and above see the clear night sky and the stars.  Will have to navigate though clouds and possibly pass by things such as planes, jets, birds etc.
*Rivers and Hills - Inspired by Welsh/Scottish landscape with high hills and rivers flowing though the center which goes into a giant lake.
*Mountains - travel through mountains and climb to the top of some, able to go into caves, will have stone old buildings to explore.
*Waterfalls - Inspired by the waterfalls and jungles of South America, plenty of giant waterfalls behind them hidden caves and areas to explore.  Surrounding the waterfalls is a jungle area to explore.

The main menu and shop menu will have different music.  The main menu's music will be fun and adventurous sounding so that new players will instantly get an idea of what the game is about and the feel of the game.  The shop music will be fun and busy sounding like a fun day at the shops.  There will be different music playing for each location tieing in with the mood, time of day and atmosphere of the area, but the overall feel for all music is to be relaxing, fun and atmospheric music.  There will also be a sound for when you collect the life energy, a shimmering sound.  Clicking different buttons on the menu will have ping and click sounds.  There will be some environment sounds in the locations e.g. wind, birds, trees etc and the angel character will make sounds during the reward performance (see heading angels), crashing into things, collecting life energy etc.  For the stopwatch in Timed mode, there will be a ticking sound and when youve collected all the life ebergys there will be a buzzer/bleep sound.

At the beginning for new players you can name your Angel and choose to be either a male or a female and are given that default/starter Angel character.  When you get enough P you can customize your Angel by changing the hairstyle, clothes, skin colour, eyes, wings etc.  Some items also gives special effects such as a speed boost when flying or when your flying about it looks like you are shimmering etc.  When you are playing and you collect a certain amount of life energys or to create a chain, there is a reward performance where the Angel makes sounds and performes by twisting, spins, back flips etc.

Other possible ideas/add ons
*your Angel has its own room/space that you can buy items for/customize.
*your angel can have a pet that flies about with you helping you collect life energy.

Business thoughts
To get revenue, players can pay for more areas to explore by downloading them and also for more items to customise their angel.  Also, this game can be continued and expanded with different editions such as Land, Sea and Space editions.

Game points
*for the ipad but could be made for iphone
*audience is everyone, young and older
*tried to keep to the "pick up and play" idea
*relaxing game to see the locations and have fun exploring whilst fun and challenging in the timed mode
*main inspiration is by the PS3 game Flower
*character customisation is an add on for more fun and interest; an added element to the game
*able to unlock new areas by either compeleting locations or downloading them either for free or by paying; keep the game interesting
*vast areas to explore and hidden areas with a % on area explored keeps you playing wanting to find the hidden areas.

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